About Me

Hey there! My name is Agnes Wilson and I am the founder of Internet Hatay, a platform to motivate you to live a healthy lifestyle.

I started this blog in 2015 as a way to show that healthy living does not necessarily mean always eating salads, drinking seltzer water and going to bed at 10pm. Since then, it’s transitioned to a space focused on stopping diet culture, disordered eating and false assumptions about what healthy actually means. The blog has become a community where women feel more hopeful and less alone in their body image, food, and health struggles. I post on topics ranging from intuitive eating, body image, eating disorder recovery, hormonal & reproductive health, self care, life updates, daily eats, meal inspiration and more.

I believe:

That there’s no one way to be healthy. What’s good for you is what you’ll stick with, and you’ll stick with what you enjoy.

That healthy is about you—how you feel, why you care, and what you’re doing about it.

That healthy is for everybody and every body. Not about expensive clothes or hard-to-pronounce foods.

That healthy is about becoming a greatist: letting go of trying to be perfect—and simply trying.

And so it’s my mission to spread this healthyish attitude around the world.
